Heights se rozloučili se zpěvákem

10.05.2012 09:55

Z britské hardcore / post-hardcore party Heights byl odejit zpěvák Thomas Debaere. Kapela se ke konkrétnějším důvodům tohoto rozhodnutí vyjádří až koncem týdne. Do té doby si můžete přečíst jen toto oficiální prohlášení.

„As some of you may have read or heard today we parted ways with our vocalist and good friend Thomas Debaere. We understand a lot of you will panic, and a lot of you will be upset - but if you have backed Heights and are a fan of this band, then you have backed the decisions we’ve made up until now and this time should be no different. We have absolutely no doubts about our reasons behind this, check back at the end of this week for more news. No shows or tours will be affected - come see us at Crash Doubt, the Kerrang! Awards Show and Ghostfest for our first shows with our new vocalist. Forwards ever, backwards never. Heights“

Sám Debaere se k situaci vyjádřil na svém Twitteru následovně: „To answer all the tweets, yes i have been kicked out of heights. i didn’t leave, i was kicked out… and i’m waiting for the announcement from the band just as much as you guys are.“


Poslední videoklip, kde se Thomas Debaere objevil, je ke zhlédnutí níže. 

